HeyReprotech's September roundup
Some ongoing studies, good reads, recent academic papers, upcoming events...
Here's my informal roundup for the month. This list will never be exhaustive, but if there's something you think readers should know about, please get in touch.
For news updates, please follow @HeyReprotech on Twitter, where I try to send out relevant stories as I come across them.
Ongoing studies
California Northstate University College of Health Sciences - Attachment and lie detection in donor-conceived adults
University of Leicester - Children's Voices in Surrogacy Law
University of Ottawa - Surrogacy laws in Canada: Exploring Intended Parents' Experiences and Perspectives
University of Adelaide - Men's psychosocial needs when diagnosed with male infertility
ConnecteDNA, University of Manchester - One-on-one interviews with donors, parents and donor-conceived adults
University of Birmingham - Survey of LGBTQ+ parents
Good reads
Bess Levin. "Georgia will allow poeple to claim an embryo as a dependent on their taxes and, no, that's not a joke.." Vanity Fair. 01 Aug 2022.
Antonio Regalado. "This startup wants to copy you into an embryo for organ harvesting." MIT Technology Review. 04 Aug 2022.
Angelina Chapin. "Would you work in an Amazon warehouse just to get pregnant?" New York Magazine. 05 Aug 2022.
Emma Gilcrist. "The harrowing, heartbreaking reality of terminating a pregnancy for medical reasons." The Globe and Mail. 09 Sep 2022.
Anna Louie Sussman. "I took an international trip with my frozen eggs to learn about the fertility industry." MIT Technology Review. 12 Sep 2022.
Sungsil Lee as told to Katie O'Malley. "Surrogacy, Ukraine and me." Elle. 21 Sep 2022.
plus one from me:
Alison Motluk. "They wanted a sperm donor. They turned to Facebook." Chatelaine. 15 Sep 2022.
Good listen
"The surrogate." Tell me about it: Women. Talk. 04 May 2022.
Recent papers
Zaina Mahmoud and Elizabeth Chloe Romanis. "On gestation and motherhood." Medical Law Review. 18 Aug 2022.
Gianluca Amadei et al. "Synthetic embryos complete gastrulation to neurulation and organogenesis." Nature. 25 Aug 2022.
Nona Sargisian et al. "Cancer in children born after frozen-thawed embryo transfer: A cohort study." PLoS Medicine. 01 Sep 2022.
Upcoming events
28 Sep - Royal College of Nursing online event - Transition from fertility to maternity care
29 Sep - Progress Educational Trust free online event - Donor conception: Who should know what and when?
05 Oct - Progress Educational Trust free online event - Rewriting the rules: Is it time to simplify fertility and embryo law?
12 Oct - Progress Educational Trust free online event - From AI to CRISPR: How should emerging reproductive technologies be regulated?
22-26 Oct - American Society for Reproductive Medicine in-person annual meeting - Genes, gametes, and genetics: What will the future hold?
Recently unpaywalled HeyReprotech post:
Why do we feel bad for some people cut off from bio-parents but not others?