HeyReprotech is on winter hiatus, but here are a few updates on some stories from the past year
These stories will be unpaywalled until the end of the year.
What I learned from looking at one Ontario woman's $100,000+ expenditure on fertility treatment. HeyReprotech. 12 Dec 2023.
This story was about lessons learned from an Ontario woman who spent $117,684.43 on fertility treatment in Ontario, and still didn't have a child. Update: The woman and her husband did yet another round of IVF, which resulted in four good embryos. One of them became the baby that came into the world just a few weeks ago! Also, since that story published, the province announced plans to introduce a tax credit for fertility expenditures.
Does Canada's tax law discriminate against gay men who want children? HeyReprotech. 20 Feb 2024.
This is a case in Canada's Tax Court about whether a gay man who uses surrogacy to have a child should be considered a "patient" for tax purposes, and therefore get a medical expense tax credit. Update: Still no judgement.
Did someone steal our embryo? And other mysteries families should not have to solve. HeyReprotech. 21 May 2024.
A woman in her twenties discovers that her twin sisters were conceived using an egg donor — and that there's a surprise sibling out there. She helps her mother figure out how that could be possible. Update: The family is back in touch with the half-sibling. Paperwork suggests there were five embryos and all of them went to this family. The twin sisters have not yet been told.
Crown drops forgery and fraud charges against Ontario surrogate. HeyReprotech. 18 Jun 2024.
A gay couple has a child after a friend offers to be their surrogate. They have disputes over money and the surrogate refuses to sign over parentage. Update: Not everything is resolved yet, but after more than a year of uncertainty, the two men are now the legal parents and the child has a birth certificate.