HeyReprotech is on winter hiatus, but here's something someone said that has stuck with me...
"I work a lot with women who use donor eggs. And they're very fond of saying, 'Well, yeah, I'm using donor eggs, but, you know, I'm carrying the baby. And with all this epigenetic stuff, I am really important in this.'
"And I don't actually disagree with that. I don't disagree with it. But I feel like there's a way that they're presenting it that's trying to shrink down the important value of having a donor egg, to make it really, really tiny — tinier than it actually is."
—From an interview with Julianne Zweifel in 2021. Zweifel is a clinical psychologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison who specializes in mental health issues surrounding infertility, pregnancy complications and pregnancy loss.