HeyReprotech is on hiatus, but...
HeyReprotech is on hiatus, but I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank someone.
I want to say thank you to Eva Voinigescu, a Toronto-based journalist and consultant, who has been my colleague here at HeyReprotech from the start. Our People page will tell you she works on outreach and audience development, and that's true. But I would be remiss not to mention a few other things. Her formidable technical skills, for instance. Or the way she keeps on top of goings-on in new media. Her valuable feedback on many of the items I write here. And the fact that she pushes me — and I can be prickly — to evolve and do better.
New-style media enterprises are exciting, and these last two-and-a-half years have been among the most rewarding of my career. But the waters can be choppy and the path forward isn't always easy to chart. I'm grateful to have on board a colleague as sharp, funny, wise, firm and determined as Eva.
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Send questions, comments, or tips to alison.motluk@gmail.com