Annual book list 2025
Once again this year, I'm delighted to list some new books in the field of assisted reproduction. I'm sure this is only a fraction of what has come out, but I hope you find at least one title you didn't already know about. Kudos, as always, to the authors.
As I mentioned in last week's post, after today, HeyReprotech will be pausing for a bit. I may pop back in from time to time, but for the most part, the newsletter will remain silent. All payments are paused.
I will miss spending time with you here every week. I wish you the best in 2025 and hope to be back in touch later in the year.
2025 (forthcoming)
Rene Almeling, Lisa Campo-Engelstein and Brian Nguyen, eds. Seminal: On Sperm, Health and Politics. 2025.
Julie Bindeman, ed. The Mental Health Clinician's Handbook for Abortion Care. 2025.
Kirsty Horsey, Zaina Mahmood, and Katherine Wade, eds. Future Directions in Surrogacy Law: Law and Policy Reform in the UK and Beyond. 2025.
Elizabeth Chloe Romanis. Biotechnology, Gestation and the Law. 2025.
Valerie Bauman. Inconceivable : Super Sperm Donors, Off-the-Grid Insemination, and Unconventional Family Planning. 2024.
Kat Brown, ed. No One Talks About This Stuff: Twenty-Two Stories of Almost Parenthood. 2024.
Sarah Franklin and Emily Jackson. The 14 Day Rule and Human Embryo Research: A Sociology of Biological Translation. 2024.
Nell Greenfieldboyce. Transient and Strange: Notes on the Science of Life. 2024.
Marina Kamenev. Kin: Family in the 21st Century. 2024.
Natalie Lampert. The Big Freeze: A Reporter's Personal Journey Into the World of Egg Freezing and the Quest to Control Our Fertility. 2024.
Gillian Lockwood, ed. Egg Freezing in the 21st Century: A Global Perspective. 2024.
Aimee Middlemiss. Invisible Labours: the Reproductive Politics of Second Trimester Pregnancy Loss in England. 2024.
Zsolt Peter Nagy, Alex Varghese, and Ashok Agarwal, eds. Cryopreservation in Assisted Reproduction: A Practitioner's Guide to Methods, Management and Organization. 2024.
Stephen Page. International Assisted Reproductive Technology. 2024.
Manuela Perrotta. Biomedical Innovation in Fertility Care: Evidence Challenges, Commercialization and the Market for Hope. 2024.
Diane Tober. Eggonomics: The Global Market in Human Eggs and the Donors Who Supply Them. 2024
Jennie Agg. Life, Almost: Miscarriage, Misconceptions and a Search for Answers from the Brink of Motherhood. 2023.
Helen Allan and Ginny Mounce. The Transition to Parenthood after IVF: An Introduction for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting. 2023.
Donna Drucker. Fertility Technology. 2023.
Leah Hazard. Womb: The Inside Story of Where We All Began. 2023.
Claire Horn. Eve: The Disobedient Future of Birth. 2023.
Marcia Inhorn. Motherhood on Ice: The Mating Gap and Why Women Freeze Their Eggs. 2023.
Priya Joi. M(other) Land: What I've Learnt about Parenthood, Race and Identity. 2023.
Chris Kaposy. The Beautiful Unwanted: Down Syndrome in Myth, Memoir and Bioethics. 2023.
Laura Kelly. Contraception and Modern Ireland: A Social History. 2023.
Louise King and Isabelle Bank. Case Studies in the Ethics of Assisted Reproduction. 2023.
Rachel Lehmann-Haupt. Reconceptions: Modern Relationships, Reproductive Science, and the Unfolding Future of Family. 2023.
Tracey Lindeman. Bleed: Destroying Myths and Misogyny in Endometriosis Care. 2023.
Jesse Olszynko-Gryn. A Woman's Right to Know: Pregnancy Testing in Twentieth-Century Britain. 2023.
Vida Panitch and Elodie Bertrand, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Commodification. 2023.
Lisa Schuman and Mark Leondires. Building Your Family: The Complete Guide to Donor Conception. 2023.
Joseph Tito and Kevin Cerqueira. The Twin Diaries: Stella and Mia Meet Papa. (Children's book.) 2023.
Karen Weingarten. Pregnancy Test. 2023.
Peter Boni. Uprooted: Family Trauma, Unknown Origins, and the Secretive History of Artificial Insemination. 2022.
Lauren Burns. Triple Helix: My Donor-Conceived Story. 2022.
Sharon Covington, ed. Fertility Counseling, 2nd Edition: Clinical Guide (vol 1). 2022.
Sharon Covington, ed. Fertility Counseling, 2nd Edition: Case Studies (vol 2). 2022.
Arianna D'Angelo, Kenny Rodriguez-Wallberg, and Daniela Nogueira, eds. Long Term Safety of Assisted Reproduction. 2022.
Sam Everingham and Kerry Duncan. Surrogacy Stories: Twenty Extraordinary Journeys to Parenthood. 2022.
Abbie Goldberg. LGBTQ Family Building: A Guide for Prospective Parents. 2022.
Esmee Sinead Hanna and Brendan Gough. (In)Fertile Male Bodies: Masculinities and Lifestyle Management in Neoliberal Times. 2022.
Emma Haslett and Gabriella Griffith. Big Fat Negative: The Essential Guide to Infertility, IVF and the Trials of Trying for a Baby. 2022.
Kristin Liam Kali. Queer Conception: The Complete Fertility Guide for Queer and Trans Parents-to-be. 2022.
Maureen McTeer. Fertility: 40 Years of Change. 2022.
Petra Nordqvist and Leah Gilman. Donors: Curious Connections in Donor Conception. 2022.
Laura Katz Olson. Ethically Challenged: Private Equity Storms US Healthcare. 2022.
Jenni Quilter. The Hatching: Experiments in Motherhood and Technology. 2022.
Camilla Mork Rostvik. Cash Flow: The Businesses of Menstruation. 2022.
Jennifer Takhar, Rika Houston and Nikhilesh Dholakia. Transhumanisms and Biotechnologies in Consumer Society. 2022.
Becky Tipper, Leah Gilman, and Petra Nordqvist. Known Unknowns: Short Stories About Known Egg Donation. (Fiction.) 2022.
Stephane Viville and Karen Sermon, eds. Textbook of Human Reproductive Genetics. 2022.
Amy Webb and Andrew Hessel. The Genesis Machine: Our Quest to Rewrite Life in the Age of Synthetic Biology. 2022.
Alexandra Antipa. M is for Mother: My Journey Into Motherhood. 2021.
Mali Bain, ed. Choosing Single Parenthood: Stories From Solo Parents By Choice. 2021.
Sophie Beresiner. The Mother Project: Making It to Parenthood the (Very) Long Way Round. 2021.
Kim Bergman and William Petok. Psychological and Medical Perspectives on Fertility Care and Sexual Health. 2021.
Jennifer Berney. The Other Mothers: Two Women's Journey to Find the Family That Was Always Theirs. 2021.
Nolwenn Bühler. When Reproduction Meets Ageing: The Science and Medicine of the Fertility Decline. 2021.
Annette Burfoot and Derya Gungor. Women and Reproductive Technologies: The Socio-Economic Development of Technologies Changing the World.(Open Access.) 2021.
Samantha Busch. Fighting Infertility: Finding My Inner Warrior Through Trying to Conceive, IVF and Miscarriage. 2021.
Carol Lynn Curchoe Burton. The Thin Pink Line: Regulating Reproduction. 2021.
Marie-Josephe Devillers and Ana-Luana Stoicea Deram, eds. Towards the Abolition of Surrogate Motherhood. 2021.
Sarah Dingle. Brave New Humans: The Dirty Truth Behind the Fertility Industry. 2021.
Mona Eltahawy. Bloody Hell! And Other Stories. Adventures in Menopause from Across the Personal and Political Spectrum. 2021.
Katy Faust and Stacy Manning. Them Before Us: Why We Need a Global Children's Rights Movement. 2021.
Gabrielle Glaser. American Baby: A Mother, a Child and the Shadow History of Adoption. 2021.
Henry Greely. CRISPR People: The Science and Ethics of Editing Humans. 2021.
Daniel Groll. Conceiving People: Genetic Knowledge and the Ethics of Sperm and Egg Donation. 2021.
Michael Grynberg and Pasquale Patrizio. Female and Male Fertility Preservation. 2021.
Jen Gunter. The Menopause Manifesto: Own Your Health with Facts and Feminism. 2021.
Joyce Harper. Your Fertile Years: What You Need to Know to Make Informed Choices. 2021.
Joan Holub and Daniel Roode. This Little Rainbow: A Love-Is-Love Primer. (Board Book.) 2021.
Walter Isaacson. The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race. 2021.
Luke Jackson, Kelly Jackson, Mara Wild. Two-Week Wait: An I.V.F Story. (Graphic Novel.) 2021.
Alex Johnston. Inconceivable: My Life-Altering, Eye-Opening Journey from Infertility to Motherhood. 2021.
Bradford Kolb and Melinda Maerker. Love Comes First: Creating LGBTQ Families. 2021.
Hasan Namir. Umbilical Cord. (Poetry.) 2021.
Sofi Oksanen. Dog Park: A Novel. (Fiction.) 2021.
Trystan Reese. How We Do Family: From Adoption to Trans Pregnancy, What We Learned About Love and LGBTQ Parenthood. 2021.
Sarah Richardson. The Maternal Imprint: The Contested Science of Maternal-Fetal Effects. 2021.
Celine Revel-Dumas. GPA, Le Grand Bluff. 2021.
Nancy Segal. Deliberately Divided: Inside the Controversial Study of Twins and Triplets Adopted Apart. 2021.
Martine Segalen and Nicole Athea. Les Marchés de la Maternité. 2021.
Shanna Swan and Stacey Colino. Count Down: How Our Modern World is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development and Imperilling the Future of the Human Race. 2021.
Natali Valdez. Weighing the Future: Race, Science and Pregnancy Trials in the Postgenomic Era. 2021.
John Waldman. Swimming Aimlessly: One Man's Journey Through Infertility and What We Can All Learn From It. 2021.
Christina Weis. Surrogacy in Russia: An Ethnography of Reproductive Labour, Stratification and Migration. 2021.
Amber Winick and Michelle Millar Fisher. Designing Motherhood: Things that Make and Break Our Births. 2021.
Carl Zimmer. Life's Edge: The Search For What It Is to Be Alive. 2021.